About TAMA

Taxpayers for Accountability in Municipal Affairs (TAMA) was created after Windsor’s Auditor General was fired.

Area residents concerned with this firing and allegations of a conflict of interest of the chair of the audit committee organised a group of volunteers numbering over 2o to take action. 

We don’t know why the Auditor General was fired, but we do know after he wanted to audit Enwin Utilities, Enwin Energy Ltd., Windsor Canada Utilities Inc. as well as the Aquatics Centre, Windsor Airport, the Windsor-Detroit Tunnel Commission among other areas of the city, he was shown the door on the recommendation of the audit committee – including its chair, Max Zalev, President and CEO of Enwin Utilities.

In response  we are demanding accountability. 

Join us in demanding the City of Windsor Open Its Books by asking your family, friends and neighbours to sign the petition calling for an audit of Enwin Utilities to be conducted by Ontario’s Auditor General.

Only by working together can we make this happen.

Support us today!

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